Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Q. If I have an injury or am temporarily disabled in some way, do I need to sit in my Reserved seating? A. If you are physically hindered from sitting or getting to and from your Reserved seating, let an Usher know and he will be glad to find you a seat in the Visitor’s section.
2. Q. If I work around or have contact with people who might have COVID19, can I come to church? i.e. should I self-quarantine? A. We can only deal with “knowns”. If we know we have had contact with someone who tested positive, according the CDC guidance we should self-isolate and get tested and quarantine for 14 days. I.e. you may test negative on day five after coming in contact with someone with COVID19 and get sick on day 10. *doesn’t apply to health care workers wearing PPE.
3. Q. If I am part of what is considered the vulnerable population (older and/or have preexisting/compromised health), can I come to the 10:30 service? A. Fargo Baptist Church asks you to wait for phase II or III, as we seek to keep the vulnerable population safe and minimize our liabilities as a church. Let us prove our phase I protocols are effective for you before you join us. Additionally, recent ND Large Gathering guidance seeks to limit gatherings to 250 currently. Though it doesn’t seek to impose this on churches, we are inclined to see if we can safely begin services with this number in mind.
4. Q. If a visitor comes will we get contact info on them? A. It is our practice to gather information on all visitors as we seek to minister their spiritual needs.
5. Q. What if I bring a visitor? Should I sit in my Reserved zone or sit in the Visitor’s zone. A. Please feel free to sit with your visitor in the Visitor’s zone.
6. Q. If I have a child with a disability, do I need to sit in the Reserved seating? A. No. Please let us know your intent to attend the service, or of your need upon arrival, and we will reserve an easily accessible and spacious room for you on the perimeter of the auditorium, which includes a volume control, a clear view to the front of the auditorium and close proximity to a bathroom.
7. Q. What if I notice space in a different zone not being used? Can I move to a different zone? A. It is likely you will notice space not used, since we Reserved socially-distanced seating for over 600 members and regular (or somewhat regular) attendees. We have no way of knowing who will be here on a given Sunday, so we have to reserve a place for all those we might anticipate. We ask that you not move to a different zone. It could result in you taking someone else’s seat and it could hinder our ability to know who was where; in the event someone tests positive and we need to contact those in the affected Reserved zone. We will be monitoring attendance in each zone each week and may make adjustments to our plan – together.
8. Q. Do I need to wear a mask? If so, while entering and leaving or for the entire service? A. We are recommending the use of masks for congregants during our phase I reentry plan. Since we will be socially distanced, via our Reserved seating strategy, and we plan to create as much ventilation as possible by having exterior doors open and the fans on; once the preaching begins, congregants may take their masks off until it is time to leave. We encourage the use of masks before and after the preaching.
9. Q. Will there be singing? A. We believe singing is an important part of worship. However, we also understand that singing could replicate the force of coughing or sneezing. Therefore, we have selected songs that require little effort/force to sing. We also acknowledge many will be wearing masks, which will also limit health risks.