Manna Ministry
We have had a many willing volunteers to help with the new ministry focus. The only thing we are lacking now, is members that would appreciate our assistance! If you are part of the "vulnerable" population, or have another loved one that is, and would prefer to remain safely at home. Please let us know if we can be a blessing to your family.
Steps to take:
1. Call, text, or email Pastor Maki at (701) 570-4971 or pastormaki@fargobaptist.org
2. Once we confirm a spot for you (plenty available!), order your groceries through your preferred retail store and set the pickup time for this Saturday sometime between 10am -2pm. If it is an emergency please call and we'll try to get someone there much sooner.
3. Confirm with Pastor Maki where the groceries have been pre-purchased and the time you have scheduled for pickup.
4. Wait for us to arrive!
5. Again if anyone would like to volunteer to help, please reach out to Pastor Maki, and thank you to those who have already offered your assistance!
If you are looking for another opportunity to serve while we are apart, you can stop by the Church Office during normal business hours and pick up some of the Easter post cards that we have been working on for Thursday night. When you have finished writing a personalized note in each of them, bring them back to the office so we can mail them out. (Doors at the Church are locked, but you can call the number posted on the door to be let in)
Pastor Maki